October 2008:
Kevin Rynearson joins the lab as a 1st year graduate student. Welcome also to Tina Tran who is working as an undergraduate volunteer.
July 2008:
Kevin Rynearson of the incoming class of graduate students joins the lab as a volunteer to work with Sanjay Dutta over the summer. Welcome to him and also to Andrea Potocny, a new undergraduate lab member who will do synthetic chemistry with Emily. Both Andrea and Kevin participate in our efforts to synthesize novel RNA-binding scaffolds.
May 2008:
Maia Carnevali wins a travel award of the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry to present her work at the ACS Fall Meeting in Philadelphia. Congratulations!
April 2008:
Welcome to Wayne Chen who joined the lab as an undergraduate to participate in the synthesis of RNA-binding scaffolds with Sanjay Dutta.
January 2008:
Welcome to Uyen Tran, a new undergraduate lab member who will work with Jerod Parsons on fluorescence assays for the study of RNA-ligand interactions.